Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Make Love, not Fat

Evidently, you use up twice the calories making out as you do watching TV. Make Love, Not Fat, I guess, should be the slogan. This matters because, sure enough, I packed on the poundage over the holiday party season....sigh. This despite great tips I got from people on an earlier post. So hug someone before you turn on Mad Men maybe?

HOME TO HARMONY has been on shelves for a week now, I reckon, and I'm hoping it's selling well. The four-star review from Romantic Times Book Club was nice to get. I was thrilled when a fan told me she thought my first Super, A LOT LIKE CHRISTMAS, was her fave of my 20+ books, so that's good news.

In honor of the release of my second Super, I'm giving away A LOT LIKE CHRISTMAS to five commenters. Just share a New Year's Resolution or explain why you don't make them. Mine is obvious--more making out, less couch potato-ing.

I've joined the new SuperRomance Author blog. Check it out for news and book giveaways.

I got the title for the next book, coming out in September, THE BABY CONNECTION. It's about a baby surprise between an investigative reporter embedded in Iraq and a photojournalist in Phoenix and the title is spookily right on because their career and soul connection is boosted by the baby that hits the reporter between the eyes when he learns he exists. The cool thing is that the editor came up with this perfect title without having read a word of the book. Talk about psychic. I hope that means the book will sell like magic, too.

In the meantime, I'm off to find my husband. Gotta work off those Paradise Bakery cookies, doncha know.
All my best,
Dawn Atkins

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