Thursday, September 30, 2010

Gettin' Jiggy with a Kid Around

So, I'm writing a scene with a reluctant father observing his previous lover--the mother--giving their one-year-old a bath.

He's only just learned he's a father and the mother insists he isn't needed--or wanted.

I'm having trouble juggling his attraction for the mother looking so lovely there, with his being slowly charmed by the little boy.

Is it possible to feel sexy with a kid around? Or is that just too gross?

Personally, I think a dad caring for a child is quite sexy, but maybe I'm just...ahem...odd that way.

What do you think?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Everyone's a critic

I've been jittering like crazy about my first SuperRomance release, A LOT LIKE CHRISTMAS, out in November. How will it fit among the wonderful offerings every month? I thought I fit nicely in the Blaze line. Also Temptations, Duets and Flipside.

This story, and the next three I've written or am writing, feel right for Super. My editor loves it, too, but you never know. Readers could be scratching their heads or shaking them or throwing the book at a wall or, worse, not picking it up at all. Who IS this Dawn Atkins anyway?

Then a cataromance reviewer, Deb Gruyette, send me the link to her review. She liked it, she really liked it. She said, among other lovely things, "Dawn Atkins pens a beautiful tale that leaves us all feeling A Lot Like Christmas."

Here's the full review if you're curious:

Can I just say, whew? Of course, she's only one reader, but she's an experienced one, at least, and I feel a little less jumpy in the tummy as a result.

You can't take reviews too much to heart, I guess, good or bad. I have to say my niece's eager expression over an old Temptation of mine makes me feel good, too. She's reading now, but too young for my stories.

Reviews are double-edged swords. If it had been negative, I would have just gritted my teeth and hoped that readers disagreed. What do you think about reviews? Do they guide you or annoy you or do you ignore them altogether?

Let me know to be entered in my contest, with the prize being a copy of my new book. If you're reading from my Website, please note you have to click through to the blog to post

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Only Sixty Shopping Days Left

There are only sixty days until my first SuperRomance will be on the shelves and my heart is fluttering and my palms are clammy in anticipation.

This story, A LOT LIKE CHRISTMAS was a long time brewing. I've had Sylvie in my heart for years--a girl who grew up in a mall, of all places, and makes it a home for everyone who works there. It was unusual, coming from a non-shopper like moi. I was happy to give Sylvie her happy-ever-after with the guy who learned to love the place as much as she did.

This is a Christmas book, too, which is also a first for me, and lots of fun, too. Nothing like playing holiday music throughout an Arizona summer as I wrote, let me tell you. We're talking serious imagination. Sweat and wool caps do not mix.

To celebrate the upcoming release, I'm giving away five early copies of the book when they arrive next month. Just tell me about your best, worst, funniest or most boring Christmas ever and you'll be entered in the drawing.

Until then...59...58...57...56...
All my best,